Friday, July 2, 2010

Thing #1 Access Information

As I begin this new adventure...I am going to try to write down the steps I go through as I plan a technology adventure. Hopefully this will prove to be useful to others and I will be able to use this as a tutorial for my staff.

I have an idea for my PGP students for the fall. So as I write out the unit, I will work it out and post the final product on the PGP wiki for all to use. This blog and the wiki site to get the lesson written and out for student use.

Anytime I start a new adventure, expecially one for research with my students, I look for the resources I want the students to use.
This particular assignment started with an article in the Chronicle that sparked an the lesson will be titled "Blue Jeans and T-Shirts".

When you begin a lesson, you look for the resources that are available for the students. You need to evaluate the sources to make sure they are appropriate for the students. There are many places to go. Don't just get stuck with Google and Yahoo. For science, there are specific search engines that will give you better results.

As I visited the various sites listed on Thing one I enjoyed checking them all out. Infact, the day I started working on this TCEA sent a listing about using Wolfram/Alpha. The hardest part about using all of the different search engines, is that there are just sooo many. I tend to use the same ones over and over. However as I looked through the listings, I found several to use personally. Working with Elementary students, I need to make sure that search engines are easy to use and don't come up with too many commercial sites. The lists of lists will be great to help out staff members.
For my particular topic, I was not very successful with many of the search engines. I received too many retail outlets. I will definitely share some of the sites that provide copyright free sources.

As you begin looking at all of the search engines, YouTube, and the Nings, it almost becomes overwhelming. It is important to find the lists, know how to use the various search engines..but remember to use your time wisely as you look. The Rummel Creek Webpage now links the lists of search engines for easy access for teachers and students. I'll continue to add to the site as we find more.

My PGP lesson is posted at Look for the Lesson labeled "Blue Jeans & T-Shirts".

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