Friday, July 2, 2010

Thing #2 Evaluate Information

I spent a lot of time looking at evaluation tools. At RCE we talk about evalutating sources no matter if it is print or on-line. I've had a bookmark that I give to students to use to evaluate websites. After looking at a few of the resources, I've changed my book mark a little. I had not considered evaluating BLOGS, however I do know that blogs often come up in searches.
My evaluation of my main sources for my research came out good on the evaluations, except for difficulty level.
There wasn't much difference between the two resources I used. I like the checklist much better than the wizzard. I think it's because I could look at the things I was going to evaluate quickly. I think students may prefer an online wizzard...but I wonder if it would be motivating to the students to use an on-line wizzard.
I keep a bookmark at the circ desk for students to look at while doing research so they can be reminded to evaluate the sites they are using. Google searches are usually students first choice, so we've tried to give them the tools to evaluate the websites they use.

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